Join us for worship on Sundays at 10 a.m.
Wednesdays at 6 p.m. followed by a meal at 6:30 p.m.
All are welcome!
Come & Worship

Through a variety of traditional and contemporary musical resources, our goal is to leave those who join us every week with a feeling of excitement and new-found energy as they go into the world to share God’s love and his promise for us. Worship at American Lutheran Church is an important part of our life together as people of God. ALC worship is liturgical, following a pattern of Gathering, Word, Meal and Sending:
• God’s Spirit calls us together.
• God speaks to us through Scriptures, preaching, and song.
• God feeds and nourishes us in a saving way.
• God blesses and sends us in mission to the world.
The Worship and Music Committee and pastoral staff oversee the planning and preparation of the services to include congregants of all ages and from all walks of life. The appointed Gospel reading is the focal point of each worship service and prayers, confessions, and hymns are selected to enhance the selected message. We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion weekly and invite all to the Lord’s Table to receive God’s grace. For the ease of those joining us each week, all hymn numbers, scripture, texts, and responsive readings are printed in the bulletin to make it easier for all to participate.
Our Facilities

At American Lutheran, we feel blessed to have beautiful facilities that support the activities of the congregation as well as the community. The building was remodeled in 2002 to provide a warm and welcoming worship environment. The renovations consisted of an expanded chancel area, choir loft, new pews, flooring, altar, sound system, inspirational stained-glass windows, and the addition of ranks to the pipe organ. Beyond the sanctuary, our church encompasses a fellowship hall, nursery, Lutheran Youth room, food pantry, and an education wing, consisting of 12 Sunday School rooms. The facility is handicapped accessible. Two parsonages are owned by our congregation.

We have a tradition of excellence in our worship music. The congregation shares their musical talents by participating in Children’s Choir, Men’s Choir, and Adult Choir. Our remodeled worship space and renovated pipe organ provide an inspirational place for people to gather to hear God’s Word and experience His presence. Although the organ is the primary instrument used, our services have also been enhanced with the addition of piano, drums, handbells, mandolin, brass, and other instruments. Marty Haugen’s “Now the Feast and Celebration” and “Holden Evening Prayer,” are among the congregation’s favorite worship services. At American Lutheran, you will witness a tremendous cross-section of individuals of all ages gathering together to lift their voices and hearts in praise of our Savior.
Weekdays 9:00 am-4:00 pm (CLOSED 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm)
American Lutheran Church
1512 Avenue G
Gothenburg, NE 69138
(308) 537-3433
[email protected]